
A Review of Cosmopolitics






Between the legal order observed by René-Jean Dupuy and his description of a possible Terrestrial City, and the tragic events that undermined the notion of a common humanity in 1915, Florian Aumond examines the symptoms of an emerging […] awareness of human destiny. René-Jean Dupuy’s Terrestrial City provides key elements that could […] help understand current developments, among which the 21rst Conference (COP 21) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change may be a significant step […]  […]The The to contain one of the world’s main threats to human future. […]

In an epoch of free-market economics, Ratan Basu returns to different moral and psychological approaches to explain the crises that have gripped the world in recent decades and devise solutions. One is Adam Smith’s doctrine, the second is the ancient Indian views related to the deep roots of basic human problems.

Joyce .H. Liu asks whether there is any epistemology that can be freed from geographical contexts and dominant ideological systems. To this aim, she considers debates within and without Confucianism, its revival in China today as a response to the socialist revolution for equality and its resulting reconstruction.

Landry Signé deals with the issues posed by the implementation of NEPAD, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development agreed in 2001, and possible responses. Ambiguous politics, irrelevant programmes, insufficient funding and the poor support of civil society are among its main weaknesses.

Anthony Mc Kenna returns to Pierre Bayle’s thinking as a significant representative of philosophical skepticism, whose position bears upon his religious faith and his view of tolerance as a moral duty. The relationship between reason and faith is discussed, as well as the development of Bayle’s position as a defensive strategy against censorship and persecution.


A propos de l'auteur :

Doctor in Philosophy, professor emeritus of the Free university of Brussels, He taught language sciences and international relations in Algeria, Gabon, Mexico, Iran and Belgium. From 1985 to 2005, he edited Transnational Associations, the journal of the Union of International Associations (UIA), which also publishes the Yearbook of International Relations), and created the cosmopolitical journal Cosmopolis in 2007. He has published numerous studies at the intersection of philosophy, language science and political science. and the and now edits a terminology and conceptual database on various subfields of international relations, hosted by the European Observatory for Plurilingualism (EOP).