A philosopher who served in Yugoslavia, France and other countries, Rada Iveković was invited to the universities of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins, Graz, Roma-La Sapienza, to the Asia Research Institute at the National University of Singapore and other academic centres. She works on Indian philosophy, comparative political philosophy and postcolonial feminist theory. Among some books: From Gender to Nation (with Julie Mostov), Longo Editore, Ravenna 2002; Le sexe de la nation, Paris, Léo Scheer 2003; Dame-Nation. Nation et difference des sexes, Longo, Ravenna 2003; Captive Gender. Ethnic Stereotypes & Cultural Boundaries, Delhi, Women Unlimited, 2005; L'éloquence tempérée du Bouddha. Souverainetés et dépossession de soi, Paris, Klincksieck 2013.